Waste Water
Our facility is responsible for complying with state and federal guidelines and parameters for the operation of the Water Pollution Control Facility. We have discharge limits on all water leaving the plant and entering the river. Limits on land applied sludge nutrients, metals, and contents in the sludge have to meet the DNR and EPA guidelines .
Each month a monthly operating report (MOR) is sent to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This report shows how our plant has been operated for the month and whether we are in our discharge limits. Once a year we send in a 24 hour composite sample to the University of Iowa Hygenics Lab to be sampled for toxicity. Each year a sludge report is sent to the DNR and EPA on our land applied sludge. Metals and nutrients are calculated; only so much can be applied per acre of land. Our lab is inspected every other year by the DNR to stay in compliance with the Clean Water Act. Plant inspectors can come at anytime and they will split water samples with us and analyze their portions to see if we match.
In the past year, we have built over the ultra violet disinfection area of our effluent chambers to protect our lighting and wiring from the weather. We also improved our lift station at 8th Street and Dewey Street in 2008.