City of Perry City Hall
- A lighting retrofit project involved removing 465 50-watt halogen light bulbs and 134 compact fluorescent flood lights and replacing them with a combination of 3.3-watt and 7.8-watt LED lights. City officials expect this upgrade will result in an approximate 93% reduction in electricity usage associated with interior lighting.
- The City Hall building also received an energy-efficient roof replacement. The improvements included the use of insulation at a value of R-30 or better to reduce heating demand in the cooler months and a white roof membrane to reflect light and heat for more efficient cooling during the warmer months of the year.
McCreary Community Recreation Center
- An HVAC heating and cooling system upgrade involved replacing the existing HVAC pneumatic control system with a Direct Digital Control (DDC) system. City officials expect this upgrade will result in an approximate 35% reduction in annual kWh and 24% reduction in annual therms used by the facility.
Waste Water Treatment Plant
- The City installed a 50 kW turbine to offset electric consumption at one of its largest energy-demanding facilities.
- The City also installed a smaller 5 kW wind turbine at its recycling center that adjoins the WWTP. City officials expect the two turbines will generate over175,000 kWh of electricity per year
2012 Sustainability Study

rpt-110612-sustainability_study-perry.pdf |