City of Perry Ordinance 69.13 – PARKING REGULATIONS – SNOW REMOVAL: No person shall park any vehicle on any public street, alley, or City-owned off-street parking area during a snow emergency unless the snow has been removed with the streets fully open and the snow has ceased to fall. A snow emergency shall be defined as any accumulation of snow in the amount of one-half inch or more.
City of Perry Ordinance 136.03 – SIDEWALK REGULATIONS – REMOVAL OF SNOW, ICE AND ACCUMULATIONS: Property owners in the residential district must remove snow, ice or accumulations within forty-eight (48) hours and property owners in the business district must remove snow, ice or accumulations within twelve (12) hours from when snow, ice or accumulation ceases to fall on the sidewalks. If this does not occur, the City may perform the work and assess the costs against the property owners for collection in the same manner as property tax.
Please contact City Hall at 515-465-2481 if you have any questions.